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Orange County Personal Injury Lawyer

Managing Partner

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Award-winning Orange County personal injury lawyers at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys are dedicated to helping victims pursue justice and rightful compensation through elite legal support and representation. We provide urgent assistance across California.

Whether you have suffered from an auto vehicle collision, a slip and fall, medical malpractice, or any other type of personal injury, the consequences can be devastating. The physical pain and emotional trauma can lead to long-term repercussions that may require serious medical attention. If you’re incapable of going back to work due to your injuries, the financial strain can feel unbearable.

With seasoned personal injury attorney Kevin Crockett as your trusted ally, you can leave the legal complexities to us while you focus on recovery. Aside from being a Lifetime Member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum and one of the Top 25 Motor Vehicle Trial Lawyers, Kevin has solidified his stellar reputation in the field by earning millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts. Browse through the verified testimonials of our satisfied clientele.

To schedule a free consultation at our Orange County office, call us at (888) 965-3827 or fill out our secure online form. Begin your path to healing today.


What Is a Personal Injury Attorney?

Personal injury lawyers provide competent legal representation for injured victims who are hurt or traumatized by accidents. If you or a loved one has been hurt in an accident, please reach out to injury lawyer Kevin Crockett for an immediate case review and a free consultation.

3 Reasons Why Kevin Crockett Should Be Your OC Injury Lawyer

  • Kevin has helped over one thousand fellow Orange County residents car accident victims recover millions.
  • Kevin is hands-on personally involved with each and every car accident case filed throughout the OC.
  • With Kevin, you’re not alone: prepare to fight the insurance companies side-by-side.

Don’t just take our word for it. Read some of the 5-star testimonials left from our awesome Orange County clients!

Our expertise spans a wide range of cases, including motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall incidents, and other forms of personal injury.

Every year, numerous individuals in Orange County find themselves grappling with the aftermath of personal injury accidents. These incidents often result in severe injuries that disrupt lives and cause significant distress. At the Crockett Law Group, we understand the devastating impact of these incidents and are committed to standing up for the rights of injury victims.

Over the years, our team has honed their skills in a broad spectrum of personal injury cases. This experience has allowed us to carve out a distinctive niche in the realm of personal injury law and secure substantial compensation for our clients. We work tirelessly to hold negligent parties accountable, ensuring that justice is served.

Why Crockett Law Group

The Crockett Law Group, a top-rated and well-reviewed professional personal injury law firm, has earned significant recognition in Southern California and the legal community. Acknowledged as one of the Top 25 injury lawyers by The Motor Vehicle Trial Lawyers Association and a Rising Star by Super Lawyers Magazine, Kevin Crockett brings the necessary experience to manage cases of all sizes.

If you or a loved one has been affected by a personal injury incident and are dealing with injuries, attorney Kevin Crockett and the Crockett Law Group are prepared to assist you across California. Our aim is to secure the resources you need to recover and rebuild your life post-incident. Contact us today at (888) 965-3827 for a free consultation.

Our Mission

We have a successful track record of representing numerous personal injury victims in Orange County, helping them secure fair compensation for their injuries. We have secured millions in settlements and verdicts for our clients.

Kevin Crockett and the Text Kevin Accident Attorneys are unwavering in their commitment to defending the rights of the common man. If you’ve been injured in a personal injury incident, we invite you to reach out to us to explore your legal options.

Our Fees

We operate on a no-win, no-fee basis. Simply put, if we don’t win your case, you owe us nothing. Our objective is to help you prevail in your case and secure fair compensation for you.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, about 39.5 million people seek medical attention every year for an accident causing injury. Of these, about 29.4 million have injuries severe enough to warrant a visit to the emergency room, and 169,936 have injuries so severe that it results in death. This makes personal injury the third leading cause of death in the United States, only behind heart disease and cancer. If you are one of these unfortunate few and somebody else is to blame, you have a right to seek compensation for your injuries. And you should.

What Qualifies as a Personal Injury Case?

If you’ve been injured due to somebody else’s negligence, you may have a personal injury case. There are all kinds of personal injury cases we see, both in terms of the types of accidents and in the types of injuries.

Some of the most common personal injury accidents we see near Orange County are:

Types of Personal Injuries Our Lawyers Handle

Some of the most common injuries we see from victims of these personal injury accidents include the following:

Back Injury

The spine is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, and trauma to any part of the back can cause lifelong problems. In fact, back injuries are the leading cause of prolonged disability, with victims losing a substantial amount of time from work and other activities. Some back injuries are so severe that they cause paralysis, requiring the victim to use a wheelchair for mobility. But that’s the exception, not the rule. Even less severe back injuries warrant compensation for the pain, suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life when it’s been caused by somebody else’s negligence.

Broken Bone

Millions of people sustain fractures and broken bones from accidents every year. Most of these accidents are not anybody’s fault, such as slipping on soap in the bathtub or tripping over an item that you dropped on the floor of your home. Some of these fractures can be very serious, impacting your ability to earn income and enjoy life. That’s why California allows people to sue drunk drivers or other types of negligent or reckless individuals who cause serious injuries to others. It is important to know that you can collect a substantial amount of compensation that can help you pay medical bills, reimburse you for lost earnings and provide you with cash for your pain, suffering, and mental anguish.

Bruises and Lacerations

Many types of accidents can cause lacerations and bruises, including car accidents, bicycle accidents, boating accidents, slip and falls, and construction accidents. Some lacerations and bruises are minor and can heal on their own, but others may require stitches or surgical repair. Some lacerations and bruises never heal properly, leaving the victim with unsightly permanent scarring, and bruises can indicate the existence of serious internal injuries. It is important to get proper medical treatment in a timely manner to avoid complications that can worsen these conditions.

Burn Injury

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), over 1.1 million Americans sustain burn injuries each year. The Mayo Clinic defines a burn as “damage to the skin or deeper tissues caused by the sun, hot liquids, fire, electricity, or chemicals.” Burns are one of the most painful types of injury, often requiring a significant amount of medical treatment in order to achieve a full recovery. If you’ve sustained a severe burn, you could be wondering how you will pay for all of your medical expenses while recuperating and unable to work. If you’ve sustained a serious burn through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to collect a substantial amount of compensation.

Catastrophic Injury

High-speed collisions, rollovers, truck accidents, falls from heights, and other tragic accidents can cause life-altering catastrophic injuries. Victims often endure years of expensive medical care, surgeries, and rehabilitation, but are unable to achieve a full recovery. If you, or somebody you love, has sustained a catastrophic injury due to the negligence or recklessness of another person, pursuing a legal claim is the best way to get the financial compensation that your family cope financially with the tragedy.

Eye Injury

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 20,000 workers a year sustain traumatic eye injuries, and car accidents, slip and falls, unsafe products, medical malpractice, and other types of accidents cause many more. It is not surprising that people consider loss of vision to be the most devastating loss of a sense. Learning how to accomplish basic daily activities with reduced sight or blindness can take many years of practice, and many great joys in life like seeing flowers and mountains can be gone forever.

Foot and Ankle Injury

Foot and ankle injuries are a leading cause of disability in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics over 50,000 foot and ankle injuries a year happen on the job, and from other types of accidents. Foot and ankles injuries not only prevent victims from working at many types of employment, but also decrease the enjoyment of life that comes from jogging, dancing, and physical hobbies, as well as making it more difficult to maintain a proper weight.

Hand & Wrist Injury

Hand and wrist injuries can be painful and debilitating. The human hand is an extremely complex appendage that is designed to enable precise small muscle movements. When wrists and hands are injured in car crashes, pedestrian knockdowns, bicycle accidents, and falls, it can require a great deal of medical treatment, rehabilitative services, and possibly surgery to restore the hand to its prior level of dexterity. Recovery can be expensive and prolonged, taking a toll on the finances of the entire family.

Herniated Disk Injury

One of the most painful types of spinal injuries is a herniated disc injury. Herniated discs can cause chronic pain that lasts for many years or even for a person’s entire life. Some herniated discs are caused by degeneration as a person gets older, but they can also be caused by trauma due to an accident. Car accidents slip and falls, and construction accidents cause herniated disc injuries that can result in long term disability and a substantial reduction in the ability to enjoy life.

Internal Injury

Internal injuries caused by accidents can cause long-term disability, loss of enjoyment of life, and even death. Many of these injuries could have been prevented if greater care had been used by drivers, property owners, product designers, and other responsible parties. Internal injuries are often asymptomatic until a raging infection or other severe symptoms appear days, months, or even weeks after the injury was sustained. If you’re been involved in an accident or incident and have unexplained symptoms, you may be suffering from internal injuries and you should seek medical treatment immediately.

Knee Injury

Knee injuries are one of the most common debilitating injuries from car accidents, falls, construction accidents, assaults, and other types of negligence, recklessness, and intentional acts. High-speed impacts, rollovers, and head-on collisions can cause catastrophic injuries to the knees that are life-altering, but less serious accidents can still cause knee injuries that can lead to long term disability. Some knee injuries will heal on their own and others will require multiple surgeries and years of rehabilitation.

Loss of Limbs & Amputation Injury

High-speed traffic accidents, head-on collisions, rollovers, falls from up high, and industrial accidents can cause catastrophic injuries that cause a person to lose a limb. Losing a limb can have permanent life-changing repercussions for the victim and their entire family. Your home may have to be reconfigured to accommodate your disability and you may retrain for a new type of work. Out of pocket medical expenses for state-of-the-art prosthetics and rehabilitation can be astronomical. Victims of catastrophic injuries such as the loss of a limb require enormous amounts of money to rebuild their lives in the best way possible under the circumstances.

Neck Injury & Whiplash

When you lose a limb due to the negligence, recklessness, or intentional act of another person, it’s possible for victims to collect a substantial amount of compensation. An experienced Orange County neck injury attorney can help you collect money for medical expenses, current and future lost earnings, pain, suffering, and mental distress. Call the Crockett Law Group today to schedule your free consultation and learn more.

Nerve Damage Injury

More obvious injuries like fractures and dislocations get more attention, but millions of Americans suffer from nerve damage caused by car accidents, falls, sports accidents, and construction accidents. Nerve damage can happen on its own or alongside other serious injuries such as fractures, brain damage, and amputations. Nerve damage can be painful, cause extended or permanent disability, and reduce the ability to carry out the normal functions of daily life. Victims of nerve damage do not only have reduced incomes, the pain and reductions in function also impair a victim’s ability to enjoy time with their family and recreational activities.


According to the National Center for PTSD, close to 10% of the population will suffer with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at some point in their lives. The condition is most well-known for affecting soldiers that come home from war, but many other types of trauma can also trigger the onset of this disorder. Accident victims often suffer from a combination of physical and psychological injuries, but it’s also possible to suffer from PTSD after an accident even if you did not have a physical injury.

Scarring and Disfigurement

There are very few things more devastating than an accident that causes severe facial injuries and scarring. Feeling confident about one’s appearance is so important for personal and professional success that many victims suffer from psychiatric problems in addition to their physical injuries.

Facial scars can also have an actual impact on a person’s ability to be hired for a job. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, interviewers are so distracted by facial scarring that they don’t listen carefully to what the applicant is saying, and they’re often passed for jobs. That’s why facial injuries and scarring are considered one of the most catastrophic injuries a person can suffer due to an accident.

Shoulder Injury

Shoulder injuries are one of the most traumatic injuries, especially for victims of car accidents, sports accidents, and falls. Shoulder injuries can range from minor soft tissue damage that heals quickly on its own, to fractures and torn ligaments that can require surgery to repair. Serious shoulder injuries can sometimes result in a significant period of disability or a permanent reduction in range of motion of the shoulder.

Soft Tissue Injury

When you go to an emergency room after an accident, they will x-ray any part of your body you complain about to rule out fractures. If you don’t have any fractures they will smile and release you, telling you that you have only sustained “soft-tissue” injuries. This doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods because soft-tissue injuries may still require physical therapy and even surgery if they do not heal on their own. It’s important to seek medical attention for soft-tissue injuries if they are not healing on their own, causing you to lose time from work and limiting your ability to enjoy recreational activities.

Spinal Cord Injury

There are few events in life more devastating than an injury that causes paralysis. Victims of paralysis that lose the use of their legs are not candidates for prosthetics and must learn to live without the ability to walk. Injuries to the cervical spine can cause paralysis from the neck down, often leaving a person fully conscious of their inability to walk, feed themselves, or even breathe on their own. The psychological consequences can be as severe as the physical limitations and the cost of care is astronomical.

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I am highly satisfied with my experience. Kevin is very professional, caring and honest. Kevin educated me on what to expect and he achieve it. Kevin always kept me posted on the progress. I appreciate the work he has done for me. I will certainly recommend him to anyone I know. Kevin is a great personal injury attorney. THANK YOU!

– Jaclyn

What Makes a Good Personal Injury Case?

A good personal injury case is made up of three key ingredients: clear liability, serious injuries, and deep pockets.  That’s not to say that all the stars need to align in order for you to have a satisfying outcome. In fact, rarely is that the case. But the value of your claim tends to become more limited when you’re missing too much of any one ingredient.  Let a personal injury attorney at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys help you navigate your case.

Let me give you an example. Suppose you get hit head-on by a drunk driver on the 405 freeway and the other driver admits complete fault for the accident. Liability is clear. And suppose you sustain a traumatic brain injury as a result of hitting your head against the window. You have serious injuries. But suppose the at-fault driver is unemployed and only insured with a $15,000 bodily injury policy. Although the value of your personal injury case is obviously high, you’re limited in your ability to collect.

Clear Liability

Clear liability occurs when fault for the accident isn’t being disputed. Think of someone running a red light and then apologizes for causing the accident. Or think of someone who is caught on camera performing a “California roll” through a stop sign. Liability in either of these situations seems pretty clear.

The reason having clear liability is so important for a good personal injury case is because California is a “comparative fault” state. This means that your recovery is reduced by your percentage of fault for an accident. So if you’re 50 percent at fault for an accident, then your settlement would be cut in half. Your recovery will be at maximum value when the other party is found to be 100 percent at fault for the accident.

Serious Injuries

It probably goes without saying that without injuries, you don’t have a personal injury case. And the more serious your injuries are, the more valuable your personal injury case is.

Compare these two accidents:

  • Suppose someone is involved in a serious car accident that ends up in the Orange County Register because their car rolls over multiple times and is so badly damaged that it’s not even recognizable after the fact. Luckily the driver walks away with just a scratch to their arm, but no other injuries and nothing requiring medical treatment.
  • Suppose someone is involved in a seemingly minor rear-end accident that results in just $2,000 of property damage. Unfortunately, the driver sustained terrible whiplash that required extensive medical treatment, and eventually surgery. The driver in accident #2 is going to have the better case.

Deep Pockets

The deeper the defendant’s pockets, the more you’re able to potentially recover. I sometimes have to tell my clients that they’re twice a victim: first in terms of being injured because of somebody else’s carelessness, and again in terms of being pigeon-holed by what that person was insured for.

Most personal injury claims go through the at-fault person’s insurance carrier. If the at-fault person can’t be located or simply wasn’t insured, you might not have any source of recovery. Most people who have assets worth protecting purchase insurance. Similarly, the at-fault person might have only purchased minimum insurance coverage. They, too, probably don’t have any assets worth protecting, or else they would have bought a larger insurance policy. Therefore, you may be limited to collecting whatever amount they were insured for.

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As humans, we’re naturally attracted to stories and we’re always rooting for a Hollywood ending. Personal injury claims are no different. Each case has its own unique storyline and the hope is that we help facilitate our client’s Hollywood ending.

– Text Kevin Accident Attorney

– Text Kevin Accident Attorney

– Text Kevin Accident Attorney

Can I Claim Injury Compensation If It Was My Fault?

I touched on this a little bit in the previous section, but California is a pure comparative fault state. This means that you can seek compensation for your injuries even if you were as much as 99 percent to blame for causing the accident. You cannot, however, seek compensation if you were 100 percent at fault for causing the accident.

This is how it works. A percentage of fault will be assigned to you and to the other party involved in the accident. Your settlement amount will then be reduced by your percentage of fault for the accident. A personal injury attorney at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys will help you determine percentage of fault in your case.

For example, let’s say that you were injured in a motorcycle accident in Orange County, CA, that was 10 percent your fault. If your injury claim is valued at $100,000, you’ll receive a settlement of $90,000 instead. This settlement figure accurately reflects the proportion of your damages that were caused by the other person’s negligence.

I’m grateful for the pure comparative fault system we have here in California. Some states, in contrast, follow a pure contributory fault system instead. This includes states like Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, Alabama, and the District of Columbia. Under this system, you wouldn’t be able to collect anything at all in the example I gave above where you were found to be 10 percent at fault for the accident. You would have to show the other person was 100 percent to blame for the accident or else you’d be barred from recovering any damages. That’s pretty harsh when you compare it to California, isn’t it?

Should I Pursue a Personal Injury Claim?

If someone else is responsible for causing your injuries, then you should pursue a personal injury claim generally speaking.  You’ll first want to consider the ingredients we discussed above what makes a good personal injury case: (1) clear liability; (2) serious injuries; and (3) deep pockets.

But in addition to that, you’ll also want to consider the fact that personal injury cases will test your patience.

  • Confusing: Personal injury cases can be confusing because you’re unfamiliar with the claims process.
  • Daunting: Personal injury cases can be daunting because of all the information and documentation you’re required to collect.
  • Frustrating: Personal injury cases can be frustrating when the other side isn’t being truthful or is questioning your truthfulness.
  • Inconvenient: Personal injury cases can be inconvenient because they require your participation when you have a personal and work life to attend to.
  • Insulting: Personal injury cases can be insulting when the other side makes a lowball settlement offer.
  • Tedious: Personal injury cases can be tedious because of how long they sometimes take to resolve.

With all that being said, if you were injured and someone else is to blame, you deserve to be compensated for that. After all, you’re going to require medical treatment and accumulate medical bills anyhow, so why not be reimbursed for them, right? And having a personal injury attorney in your corner at least helps make the process a little less confusing and frustrating.

How Does a Lawyer Help in a Personal Injury Case?

You probably want to know what the process will look like if you do decide to move forward with a personal injury attorney. I’m going to walk you through the standard timeline of a personal injury case from the time someone decides to hire our legal services.

Medical Treatment

Maybe you’re the type of person that doesn’t like doctors’ offices, so you don’t go see one even though you know you’re injured. Or maybe you don’t go see a doctor because you don’t realize right away that you’re injured. Either way, you should go see a doctor after an accident. The first thing you should do after being involved in any type of accident is to seek medical attention. The medical records serve as your evidence in a personal injury case.

Investigating the Claim

Your injury attorney will investigate the claim while you’re busy treating for your injuries. This includes taking your statement, taking witness statements, collecting photographs and video footage, obtaining a copy of the traffic collision report, opening up claims with insurance companies, communicating with health insurance, requesting employment records, running background searches, etc. Your focus should be on getting healthy while your personal injury lawyer handles the rest in the background.

Obtaining and Reviewing Medical Records

Once you’re finished treating for your injuries, your personal injury attorney will request all of your medical records and bills from each medical facility you’ve seen. Your attorney will then review each medical record to help them establish a narrative for your personal injury case in the form of a demand letter.

Sending the Demand Package

Once your personal injury lawyer has written a demand letter asking for a settlement amount and compiled all of your medical records and bills in the form of exhibits, they’ll send this demand package to the at-fault party, or their insurance company, or their legal counsel. The other side will then have a deadline (e.g., 30 days) to appropriately respond to your demand package.

Negotiating a Settlement

The other side might simply accept your demand, in which case negotiations aren’t even necessary. If the other side doesn’t accept your demand but makes a reasonable starting offer, your attorney will enter into negotiations and hopefully settle your injury claim. However, if the at-fault party refuses to negotiate or simply makes bad offers, then a lawsuit may be necessary.

Filing a Lawsuit

A majority of personal injury cases in Orange County are capable of settling out of court. But sometimes filing a suit is necessary to get the other side to take your claim seriously and make a reasonable settlement offer.

Negotiating Medical Bills

Once you’ve reached a settlement, whether that be out-of-court or after filing suit, your personal injury attorney will begin the final phase of your case—negotiating your medical bills down.

Medical Providers

This entails reaching out to each medical provider you saw for your injuries and verifying whether there’s any outstanding balance. The bill might be owed in full because you don’t have health insurance or because the medical provider refused to bill your health insurance. Or the bill might have an outstanding amount that represents your co-pay, deductible, or co-insurance. Either way, your lawyer will negotiate the amount due on your behalf.

Health Insurance

This entails reaching out to your health insurance, which may have a right to reimbursement for medical bills they paid for on your behalf. Remember, the at-fault person is compensating you for your medical bills. So, if your health insurance paid for your medical bills and the defendant is now paying for those same bills, then this is called a double recovery and the law doesn’t like that. Therefore, your health insurance may seek reimbursement from your personal injury settlement for bills they paid for on your behalf. Your attorney will negotiate the reimbursement amount due to your health insurance.

How Long Does It Take to Resolve a Personal Injury Claim?

There might be nothing more frustrating for clients than how long it can take for a personal injury claim to settle. Part of the problem lies in the fact that clients and attorneys usually have very different definitions of what is a “long” amount of time. The client is basing their definition off of what they’ve heard from friends and family and the attorney’s professional experiences might tell a different story. That’s why it’s important for your attorney to be sensitive to this fact and do a good job communicating how the facts of your particular case might affect the timeline differently than you might have realized.

You’ve probably also heard that no two cases are alike, and it’s true. There are so many factors at play that affect the length of time it takes to settle a personal injury claim. Even two claims that seem nearly identical in every single way can have very different timelines simply based on who the defendant was insured with and how large their policy is.  A personal injury attorney will work to get you a speedy settlement with the best resolution.

For example, suppose two 30-year-old women both sustain the same catastrophic injuries after being attacked by a pit bull in Anaheim, California. For one of them, the dog owner is insured for $500,000 with Allstate Insurance, and for the other, the dog owner is insured for $100,000 with Farmers Insurance. Chances are that the claim against Allstate is going to take substantially longer to settle than the claim against Farmers; Allstate is notorious for forcing claimants to file suit to get what they deserve, especially when they have a larger policy to protect.

Because there are so many factors that affect the timeline of a personal injury case, the range can be quite wide. With that being said, I’ve gone ahead and calculated the average time it’s taken me to settle personal injury claims in Orange County over the years. Personal injury claims in Orange County take 12 months on average to settle from the date of being injured.

Your claim might take longer if it can’t be settled out of court and instead has to be litigated. Just keep in mind, though, that the statute of limitations limits the time you have to file a lawsuit. The statute of limitations for a personal injury case in California is generally two years from the date of being injured. It’s important that you consult with a personal injury attorney to make sure your claim is protected.

How Much Is a Personal Injury Case Worth?

Before moving forward with your personal injury claim, you probably want an answer to the million-dollar question: how much is my claim worth?

There are four elements to proving any personal injury claim:

  1. Duty
  2. Breach of duty
  3. Causation
  4. Damages

We won’t discuss the details of each element here, but just know what when you are asked how much your personal injury claim is worth, you’re really asking what your “damages” are.

Deciding what your “damages” are worth is traditionally the province of a jury. However, only about 3 percent of personal injury cases actually ever go to trial according to the American Judges Association. A majority of personal injury claims settle sometime before that for an amount that is an estimation of what a jury might think your claim is worth.

This estimation is a cumulation of a bunch of different categories that are added up to one lump sum. These are the different categories of damages that you’re entitled to recover from in a personal injury case in California:

  • Medical Bills
  • Lost Wages
  • Lost Earning Capacity
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Emotional Distress
  • Physical Impairment
  • Disfigurement
  • Inconvenience
  • Loss of Enjoyment

The value assigned to each of these categories can be subjective to some degree, but none more so than pain and suffering. Because pain and suffering are so subjective, the range of value for any one personal injury claim can vary quite a bit.

With that being said, I’ve gone ahead and calculated the average settlement amount for personal injury claims that I’ve settled in Orange County. The average settlement for a personal injury case in Orange County is $35,000. However, the outcome of each personal injury claim depends on the facts of the case and many other factors, so no lawyer can guarantee a positive result for any particular claim.

Are Personal Injury Lawyers Free?

Personal injury lawyers work on a “contingency fee” basis. A contingency fee arrangement is where an attorney only gets paid contingent upon winning your case. An attorney who loses your case by failing to secure a settlement gets nothing. But an attorney who successfully recovers money on your behalf takes a percentage of your total settlement.

The agreed-upon percentage that a personal injury lawyer takes from the recovery varies from attorney to attorney. You’ll want to ask this question during your consultation. Most personal injury attorneys have contingency fee agreements that entitle them to take 1/3 of your total recovery. However, the percentage will probably be higher if your case has to be litigated, usually 40 percent.

For example, let’s say you have medical bills that cost $15,000, lost wages that total $5,000, and pain and suffering that’s valued at $10,000. You ultimately settle your personal injury claim out-of-court for $30,000. Your personal injury lawyer in this hypothetical would take $10,000 from your $30,000 settlement. But if your personal injury lawyer obtains the $30,000 settlement after filing a lawsuit, he would take $12,000.

This contingency fee arrangement is in contrast to other types of attorneys who use a retainer fee arrangement, like divorce lawyers. A retainer fee agreement is where a client is required to pay the attorney an upfront fee in order to retain their services. This type of agreement will also usually contain the lawyer’s hourly rate. You don’t pay a personal injury lawyer by the hour.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Personal Injury Attorney

If you or someone close to you has been involved in a tragic accident in Orange County, trust a five-star rated personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys to champion your rights.

Dealing with legal challenges and negotiating with insurance companies while you’re still recovering from physical and emotional pain can further jeopardize your claim. Without a reliable advocate who is well-equipped with the knowledge and experience to handle the intricacies of personal injury law, you may find it nearly impossible to secure the compensation you need to rebuild your life.

By enlisting the help of our acclaimed legal team at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys, you can ensure that your case will be handled with utmost professionalism and care, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Call our Orange County office now at (888) 965-3827 or fill out our secure online form for a free consultation with our legal team. You don’t have to pay any fees unless we win your case.


locations map

Anaheim Office

617 S Harbor Blvd, Unit A

Anaheim, CA 92805

Santa Ana Office

106 W 4th St, Ste 315

Santa Ana, CA, 92701

Irvine Office

7700 Irvine Center Dr, Ste 400
Irvine, CA 92618

  • Anaheim
  • Santa Ana
  • Orange
  • Irvine
  • All Other Cities

Traffic Accident Injuries & Fatalities in Orange County

How do I report an accident to police in California?

To report an accident to the police in California, call the non-emergency police line, exchange information with the other party, and, if necessary, file an SR-1 form with the California DMV within 10 days.

Is California a no-fault state for car accidents?

No, California is not a no-fault state for car accidents. It follows an at-fault or tort system, where the party responsible for the accident is typically held liable for damages, and their insurance covers the costs.

What happens if you are at fault in a car accident in California?

If you're at fault in a car accident in California, you may be financially responsible for damages, covered by your insurance, with potential premium increases and personal liability if costs exceed policy limits. Report the accident promptly to your insurance company.

Who determines fault in an auto accident in California?

Fault in an auto accident in California is typically determined by insurance companies based on evidence, statements from involved parties, and police reports, but it can also be determined by a court if there is a dispute or legal action.

Who is liable for a car accident in California?

The liable party for a car accident in California is typically the one found at fault, and their insurance is responsible for covering the damages, but liability can be determined through insurance investigations, legal proceedings, or court decisions if disputes arise.

How much do car accident lawyers charge in California?

Car accident lawyers in California often work on a contingency fee basis, charging a percentage of the settlement or court award, typically ranging from 33% to 45%. If the case doesn't result in compensation, the lawyer may not charge a fee.

Orange County, California FAQs
How far is Orange County from LA?

The distance between central Orange County (e.g., Santa Ana) and downtown Los Angeles is approximately 30 to 40 miles, but actual distances may vary based on specific locations within each county.

How many people live in Orange County?

As of January 2022, Orange County, California, had an estimated population of around 3.2 million people.

How many cities are in Orange County?

As of January 2022, Orange County, California, consists of 34 incorporated cities.

When is the Orange County Fair?

The Orange County Fair typically takes place during the summer months. However, specific dates may vary from year to year.

Where is the Orange County Airport in California?

The main airport serving Orange County, California, is John Wayne Airport (SNA). It is located in Santa Ana, approximately 35 miles southeast of Los Angeles and about 2 miles from the city center of Irvine. John Wayne Airport is a major airport in the region, providing domestic flights and serving as a gateway to and from Orange County.

How big is Orange County?

Orange County, California, covers an area of approximately 948 square miles (2,455 square kilometers).

Orange County Points of Interest
Disneyland Park

A world-famous theme park located in Anaheim, offering a magical experience with various themed lands, attractions, and entertainment.

1313 Disneyland Dr, Anaheim, CA 92802 Website
Knott’s Berry Farm

A popular amusement park with thrilling rides, live entertainment, and the famous Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner Restaurant.

8039 Beach Blvd, Buena Park, CA 90620 Website
Huntington Beach Pier

An iconic pier in Huntington Beach, known for its vibrant atmosphere, sandy beaches, and excellent surfing conditions.

325 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Website
Balboa Island

A charming island community in Newport Beach, known for its scenic harbor, waterfront homes, and the Balboa Fun Zone.

206 Marine Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92662 Website
Angel Stadium of Anaheim

Home to the Los Angeles Angels baseball team, this stadium offers an exciting venue for sports enthusiasts.

2000 E Gene Autry Way, Anaheim, CA 92806 Website
Mission San Juan Capistrano

A historic Spanish mission, known as the "Jewel of the Missions," featuring beautiful gardens, preserved adobe buildings, and the famous swallows.

26801 Old Mission Rd, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Website

Kevin received both his bachelor’s degree and law degree from the University of California, Irvine. He is the managing partner of Text Kevin Accident Attorneys and is recognized as a standout in plaintiffs’ litigation for personal injury law by Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected legal peer-review publisher. Kevin has written for several law magazines and is an award-winning car accident lawyer in California.

Orange County Practice Areas

Get started fast with tailored solutions for your accident claim

car icon

Car Accident

More winning, less hassle with us
  • Get support for your injury claim
  • Secure compensation with proven success
  • Strategize to win and maximize your value
man icon

Personal Injury

Answers, support, & solutions all in one place
  • Evaluate medical records for details and severity
  • Negotiate settlements with insurance companies
  • Represent clients in court for litigation
accident icon

Truck Accident

The complete legal solution
  • Investigate liability to determine fault
  • Pursue maximum compensation from insurers
  • Navigate complex regulations for successful claims
moto icon

Motorcycle Accident

Deliver results on time, all the time
  • Investigate causes to establish liability
  • Pursue compensation from at-fault parties
  • Navigate legal complexities for effective claims
wrongful death

Wrongful Death

Succeed on claims with your team
  • Establish liability in fatal accidents
  • Pursue compensation for loss and suffering
  • Navigate intricate legal paths for justice
bicycle accident icon

Bicycle Accident

Total commitment to guide you through
  • Establish fault in bicycle collision investigations
  • Pursue compensation for injuries and damages
  • Navigate legal complexities for fair resolution
catastrophic injury icon

Catastrophic Injury

Manage most any type of claim
  • Get a free consult for potential compensation
  • Establish a robust legal strategy
  • Pursue litigation avenues for your injury claim
pedestrian accident icon

Pedestrian Accident

Forge results your way
  • Rapid injury evaluation for pedestrian accident cases 
  • Swift and strategic legal support for victims 
  • Maximize compensation with proactive legal guidance
Brain Injury icon

Brain Injury

Never face legal battles alone again
  • Maximize compensation for traumatic brain injuries
  • Swiftly resolve cases for financial relief
  • Experience compassionate guidance for your TBI
spinal cord injury

Spinal Cord Injury

Set your path to legal success
  • Optimize compensation for spinal cord injury victims
  • Navigate legal intricacies with effective representation
  • Offer empathetic support throughout your recovery
rideshare icon

Uber Accident

Collaborate on solutions together
  • Drive your Uber accident claim to success
  • Chart a clear route through insurance complexities 
  • Cruise through legal challenges with our support
drunk drive icon

Drunk Driving Accident

Lead your case to legal success
  • Championing justice for DUI crash survivors 
  • Crafting powerful cases for injury compensation 
  • Hold responsible parties accountable for their actions
Hit and Run Accident icon

Hit and Run Accident

Teamwork makes claims work every time
  • Swift investigation of unidentified perpetrators  
  • Skillful navigation through complex legal processes
  • Hold accountable those who flee the scene

More winning, less hassle with us

Transform car accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Get support for your injury claim
  • Secure compensation with proven success
  • Strategize to win and maximize your value
Kevin icon
Kevin Crockett, Managing Partner

"Experience unity at our firm as I bring legal teams together for seamless collaboration and communication, ensuring successful navigation of car accident cases."

Answers, support, & solutions all in one place

Transform personal injury challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Evaluate medical records for details and severity
  • Negotiate settlements with insurance companies
  • Represent clients in court for litigation
Kelly Gales photo
Kelly Gales, Attorney

"Our legal team significantly accelerates personal injury claims, reducing delays when you choose us for your case."

The complete legal solution

Transform truck accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Investigate liability to determine fault
  • Pursue maximum compensation from insurers
  • Navigate complex regulations for successful claims
Kayla Johns
Kayla Johns, Case Manager

“At Text Kevin, we keep clients informed with crucial updates, paving the way for successful resolutions in every case we handle.”

Jackknife Accident icon Jackknife Accident
Rollover Accident icon Rollover Accident
Underride Accident Underride Accident
Wide Turn Accident Wide Turn Accident

Deliver results on time, all the time

Transform motorcycle accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Investigate causes to establish liability
  • Pursue compensation from at-fault parties
  • Navigate legal complexities for effective claims
Mike photo
Mike Buhler, Intake Manager

Streamline communication with insurers and eliminate headaches when you partner with us for your injury claim.”

Lane Splitting Accident Lane Splitting Accident
Left Turn Accident icon Left Turn Accident
Lane Switching Accident icon Lane Switching Accident
Corner Turning Accident Corner Turning Accident

Succeed on claims with your team

Transform wrongful death challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Establish liability in fatal accidents
  • Pursue compensation for loss and suffering
  • Navigate intricate legal paths for justice
Helen Vu photo
Helen Vu, Junior Case Manager

You can easily share documents and photos with our team, and we’ll handle the rest for a seamless resolution of your case.”

Total commitment to guide you through

Transform bicycle accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Establish fault in bicycle collision investigations
  • Pursue compensation for injuries and damages
  • Navigate legal complexities for fair resolution
Ryan Gloudeman
Ryan Gloudeman, Law Clerk

“With Text Kevin, you can regain lost hours managing claims yourself. We not only save you time, but expedite the process.”

Dooring Accident icon Dooring Accident
Intersection Accident Intersection Accident
Right Hook Accident Right Hook Accident
Left Hook Accident Left Hook Accident

Manage most any type of claim

Transform catastrophic injury challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Get a free consult for potential compensation
  • Establish a robust legal strategy
  • Pursue litigation avenues for your injury claim
Jonathan Haskett photo
Jonathan Haskett, Marketing Coordinator

Stay connected throughout your case with quick and easy text communication, ensuring regular updates and timely alerts on the next steps.”

Forge results your way

Transform pedestrian accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Rapid injury evaluation for pedestrian accident cases 
  • Swift and strategic legal support for victims 
  • Maximize compensation with proactive legal guidance
Garrett Syke photo
Garrett Syke, Case Assistant

We simplify your injury claim by organizing your case and narrating your story to the insurance company so you don’t have to.”

Never face legal battles alone again

Transform brain injury challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Maximize compensation for traumatic brain injuries
  • Swiftly resolve cases for financial relief
  • Experience compassionate guidance for your TBI
Kevin icon
Kevin Crockett, Managing Partner

We help visualize what results you want from your injury case and adjust our strategies to help you achieve it.”

Concussion Concussion
Coup Contrecoup Coup Contrecoup
Hematoma icon Hematoma
Skull Fracture Skull Fracture

Set your path to legal success

Transform spinal cord injury challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Optimize compensation for spinal cord injury victims
  • Navigate legal intricacies with effective representation
  • Offer empathetic support throughout your recovery
Craig Crockett photo
Craig Crockett, Partner

Leverage our legal team to passionately advocate for you and witness us fight to achieve the results you’re looking for.”

spinal cord injury Spinal Cord Contusion
Compression Fracture Compression Fracture
Herniated Disc Injury icon Herniated Disc
Cauda Equina Syndrome Cauda Equina Syndrome

Collaborate on solutions together

Transform Uber accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Drive your Uber accident claim to success
  • Chart a clear route through insurance complexities 
  • Cruise through legal challenges with our support
Kelly Gales
Kelly Gales, Attorney

Initiate and schedule meetings instantly with our legal team, ensuring prompt notifications on the progress of your case at every step.”

Driver Fatigue Accident Driver Fatigue Accident
Distracted Driving Accident Distracted Driving
Speeding Accident icon Speeding Accident
Driver Inexperience Driver Inexperience

Lead your case to legal success

Transform DUI accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Championing justice for DUI crash survivors 
  • Crafting powerful cases for injury compensation 
  • Hold responsible parties accountable for their actions
Craig Crockett photo
Craig Crockett, Partner

"At Text Kevin, we value your time and expedite claim processes, providing efficient and exceptional service."

Alcohol Impaired Driving Alcohol Impaired Driving
Drug Impaired Driving Drug Impaired Driving
DUI With Drugs and Alcohol DUI with Drugs & Alcohol
Drowsy Driving Drowsy Driving

Teamwork makes claims work every time

Transform hit & run accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Swift investigation of unidentified perpetrators  
  • Skillful navigation through complex legal processes
  • Hold accountable those who flee the scene
Mike photo
Mike Buhler, Intake Manager

“Here, we're all about teamwork, ensuring seamless collaboration among legal teams for successful case outcomes.”

Driver Intoxication Driver Intoxication
Uninsured Driver Uninsured Driver
No License No License
Stolen Vehicle Stolen Vehicle

Why Clients Love Text Kevin

Top-rated car accident lawyers recognized for excellence and trusted for maximum compensation in cases.

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Million Dollar Advocates


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Clients’ Choice


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Client Champion


rating stars
Photo of Curt Schultz
Curt Schultz

“Get an attorney like Kevin that is experienced and will actually manage your case. I was lucky to have found him”

Car Accident

textkevin icon
photo of Rick Werlin
Rick Werlin​

“JUSTICE was served. Thank you for your knowledge and unwavering due diligence on my behalf!”

Pedestrian Accident

textkevin icon
photo of Jeffrey Marx
Jeffrey Marx

“Crockett and his team made my first car crash experience so much easier than I expected. Thanks team!”

Car Accident

textkevin icon
top background dots
top background dots

Case Results

Explore our showcased victories in personal injury, where we turned challenges into triumphs for our clients.

rideshare icon


Rideshare Driver


Car Passenger icon


Car Passenger


Wheelchair Pedestrian icon


Wheelchair Pedestrian


Police Car Detainee icon


Police Car Detainee


Case Results right background dots
Case Results left background dots

Our California Offices








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TEAM Kevin Crockett Law
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CLIENT client
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I'm Kevin Crockett, your Irvine based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in Orange County.

  • free consult Free consult 
  • Onsite services icon Onsite services
  • american flag English fluent
  • spanish flag Spanish fluent
  • Vietnamese flag Vietnamese fluent
  • Wheelchair accessible icon Wheelchair accessible
  • restroom icon Restroom
  • free parking icon Free parking
  • lgbtq+ icon LGBTQ+ friendly
  • open 24 hr icon Open 24 hrs.







TEAM Kevin Crockett Law Team
EVENT event
CLIENT client photo
TEAM Kevin Crockett Law
EVENT event


I'm Kevin Crockett, your Anaheim based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in Orange County.

  • free consult Free consult 
  • Onsite services icon Onsite services
  • american flag English fluent
  • spanish flag Spanish fluent
  • Vietnamese flag Vietnamese fluent
  • Wheelchair accessible icon Wheelchair accessible
  • restroom icon Restroom
  • free parking icon Free parking
  • lgbtq+ icon LGBTQ+ friendly
  • open 24 hr icon Open 24 hrs.







EVENT event
Team textkevin office
EVENT event
CLIENT client
Team Kevin Crockett Law


I'm Kevin Crockett, your Santa Ana based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in Orange County.

  • free consult Free consult 
  • Onsite services icon Onsite services
  • american flag English fluent
  • spanish flag Spanish fluent
  • Vietnamese flag Vietnamese fluent
  • Wheelchair accessible icon Wheelchair accessible
  • restroom icon Restroom
  • free parking icon Free parking
  • lgbtq+ icon LGBTQ+ friendly
  • open 24 hr icon Open 24 hrs.







EVENT event
CLIENT client
TEAM team photo
EVENT event


I'm Kevin Crockett, your Moreno Valley based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in the Inland Empire.

  • free consult Free consult 
  • Onsite services icon Onsite services
  • american flag English fluent
  • spanish flag Spanish fluent
  • Vietnamese flag Vietnamese fluent
  • Wheelchair accessible icon Wheelchair accessible
  • restroom icon Restroom
  • free parking icon Free parking
  • lgbtq+ icon LGBTQ+ friendly
  • open 24 hr icon Open 24 hrs.







TEAM textkevin office
EVENT event
CLIENT client
TEAM Kevin Crockett Law
EVENT event


I'm Kevin Crockett, your Norwalk based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in Los Angeles County.

  • free consult Free consult 
  • Onsite services icon Onsite services
  • american flag English fluent
  • spanish flag Spanish fluent
  • Vietnamese flag Vietnamese fluent
  • Wheelchair accessible icon Wheelchair accessible
  • restroom icon Restroom
  • free parking icon Free parking
  • lgbtq+ icon LGBTQ+ friendly
  • open 24 hr icon Open 24 hrs.







TEAM team photo
EVENT event
CLIENT client
TEAM Kevin Crockett Law
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I'm Kevin Crockett, your Indio based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in the Coachella Valley.

  • free consult Free consult 
  • Onsite services icon Onsite services
  • american flag English fluent
  • spanish flag Spanish fluent
  • Vietnamese flag Vietnamese fluent
  • Wheelchair accessible icon Wheelchair accessible
  • restroom icon Restroom
  • free parking icon Free parking
  • lgbtq+ icon LGBTQ+ friendly
  • open 24 hr icon Open 24 hrs.







TEAM team
EVENT event photo
CLIENT client
TEAM textkevin office
EVENT Processed with VSCO with al1pro preset


I'm Kevin Crockett, your Palm Springs based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in the Coachella Valley.

  • free consult Free consult 
  • Onsite services icon Onsite services
  • american flag English fluent
  • spanish flag Spanish fluent
  • Vietnamese flag Vietnamese fluent
  • Wheelchair accessible icon Wheelchair accessible
  • restroom icon Restroom
  • free parking icon Free parking
  • lgbtq+ icon LGBTQ+ friendly
  • open 24 hr icon Open 24 hrs.
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100% Secure & Confidential

Kevin received both his bachelor’s degree and law degree from the University of California, Irvine. He is the managing partner of Text Kevin Accident Attorneys and is recognized as a standout in plaintiffs’ litigation for personal injury law by Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected legal peer-review publisher. Kevin has written for several law magazines and is an award-winning car accident lawyer in California.

Mike Buhler photo

Mike Buhler

Intake Manager

In 2021, Mike Buhler joined Text Kevin as our esteemed Intake Manager, leveraging his rich background spanning 8 years in various pivotal roles such as intake specialist, liens negotiator, and settlement negotiator. His journey prior to Text Kevin saw him serving as the liens manager at a prominent California-based personal injury law firm, where his expertise flourished.

Hailing from New York, Mike’s path led him to the Marines straight out of high school, a formative experience that shaped his commitment to excellence. Following his service, he pursued and attained his Paralegal Degree, laying the foundation for his remarkable career trajectory. Today, his dedication and seasoned skills make him an invaluable asset to our firm and to the clients we serve.

Kevin Crockett

Click to start your free consultation

Our team is available 24/7